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New technologies for well-being and objectives

New technologies for well-being and objectives


(in training, coaching and psychotherapy)

A committed R&D team

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Researchers in psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, management & cognitive sciences

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IS engineers (data scientists, coding, new technologies)

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Management, psychology and coaching professionals

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Artificial intelligence technologies

Data synthesis for a global & innovative diagnosis  for coaching or training

Smart tools for accelerated learning


Discover our AI department

Sampling experience technologies

Collect events, thoughts, emotions and live reactions in real situations

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Get insight into the real context of the supported individual or group

Subsequent difficulties & progress debriefing, on an objective basis

Data vizualisation technologies

  • Global mapping of the diagnosed needs of the supported individual or group

  • Progressive objective achievement dashboard

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Steady feedback

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A final measure of coaching/training effectiveness

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Augmented reality technologies

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Visual overlay of thoughts and probelamtic stiuations

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Unblock the counterproductive “mental labels” through which problematic situations are filtered

Virtual reality & biofeedback technologies

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Virtual immersion to interact with thoughts and emotions, for better regulation 

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Body monitoring for immediate feedback on thought & emotion regulation progress

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Chatbot training technologies

 Goal-oriented tasks for autonomous training

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Accelerating the implementations of objectives

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