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(in training, coaching and psychotherapy)
A committed R&D team
Researchers in psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, management & cognitive sciences
IS engineers (data scientists, coding, new technologies)
Management, psychology and coaching professionals
Sampling experience technologies
Collect events, thoughts, emotions and live reactions in real situations
Get insight into the real context of the supported individual or group
Subsequent difficulties & progress debriefing, on an objective basis
Data vizualisation technologies
Global mapping of the diagnosed needs of the supported individual or group
Progressive objective achievement dashboard
Steady feedback
A final measure of coaching/training effectiveness
Augmented reality technologies
Visual overlay of thoughts and probelamtic stiuations
Unblock the counterproductive “mental labels” through which problematic situations are filtered
Virtual reality & biofeedback technologies
Virtual immersion to interact with thoughts and emotions, for better regulation
Body monitoring for immediate feedback on thought & emotion regulation progress
Chatbot training technologies
Goal-oriented tasks for autonomous training
Accelerating the implementations of objectives
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